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About Our Estate Planning Law Firm

Estate Planning Attorney Serving Clients in Pleasanton, CA and the Surrounding Area

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Trees and Mountains - Pleasanton Estate Planning Attorney Core Values

Qualls Law Firm’s Core Values

Estate Planning Attorney Brian Qualls centers his law practice around these core values.


Integrity: Turn our words and values into reality. Be proactive and always do what we promise.


Gratitude: Show care and appreciation for the client. Enthusiastically solve problems.


Freedom: Maintain autonomy, flexibility, and the capacity to exercise choice.


Excellence: Be highly effective at accomplishing our client’s goals.


Efficiency: Obtain results with a minimum of wasted time and effort (the client’s effort as well as our own).


Exchange of Value: Set a clear and fair pricing structure which reflects both the value provided by our firm and the level of service requested by the client.

Brian Qualls

Estate Planning Attorney


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